FoBP AGM this Sunday

A gentle reminder that our Annual General Meeting is to be held this coming Sunday, 21 October 2018 , 11am, upstairs in Brockwell Hall. All Friends of Brockwell Park members are most welcome to attend to take part in the debate and to elect your officers and committee for the coming year.

The big topic of the meeting will be park events.

Please do come and join in. We need 20 members for a quorum. The meeting will include:
• Amendments to the constitution: Resolutions to amend the constitution, proposed and seconded by voting members, should have been received by the FOBP Secretary on or before 1 September 2018.
• Election of five officers (Chair; Vice Chair; Treasurer; Secretary and Membership Secretary) and up to five committee members. Nominations for these elections should have been received by the FOBP Secretary on or before 1 October 2018.

For more information about the AGM, including a copy of our constitution, please reply to this newsletter or contact us via our website.

The big theme of the meeting will be our campaign on events in the park and what members feel we should do. We round up the AGM with a presentation from local oral history group, History Hear.

Mushroom foray in Brockwell Park

Now that autumn is in the air, how about a mushroom foray in Brockwell Park?  Pull on your wellies, wrap up warmly and go discover those beautiful earthy creatures with the help of our guide, Fabrice, Community Gardener at Myatts Fields Park Project Group. Meet at 2pm on Sunday 14 October at the clock tower in Brockwell Park.